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Commerce Street Studios: Spotlight on MTZC

steakyourclaimthumb.jpgCommerce Street Studios is made up of 11 different spaces housed in downtown building that’s been around since the early 1970’s. The space is home to the Archinofsky Gallery, Naked City Tattoo and Art, 420 Stainless, Circadian Studios and MTZC, “The Edge of Sin City”, home to the work of Mark T. Zeilman & Cybele. First Friday visitors to MTZC (adults only!) can make their own Valentine cards and check out the artists’ collection of “…mixed-media mayhem & mauled heart art…” including a true bloody valentine. Check out their 2006 exhibit schedule and stop by all the studios when you make a visit to Commerce Street.

Commerce Street Studios
1551 S. Commerce Street
Las Vegas, NV 89102